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Empowering Change: My Journey from Painful Periods to Natural Wellness

In 2020 I discovered that my painful, long-lasting periods were closely tied to the products I was using. Switching from conventional to organic pads marked the beginning of a life-changing experience, where I embraced natural alternatives to manage menstrual discomfort.

Switching to organic pads was a real turning point for me when it came to dealing with those painful periods. Did you know, the regular pads you find in stores have all sorts of chemicals in them. But organic pads, made from materials like cotton, are much gentler and don't have any of that potentially harmful stuff. For me, it's not just about feeling more comfortable during that time of the month; it's also about taking better care of myself. Choosing organic pads is like saying, "I want my period to be less of a hassle, and I care about what I put on and in my body."

So, in making this change im not just switching products, I'm bring in a whole new approach to my self-care. I'm becoming more mindful of what I use and making choices that align with feeling good and staying healthy.

After making the switch to organic pads, I started exploring more natural options to enhance my well-being during my periods. Essential oils became my go-to pals in making my period days way more bearable. I discovered this cool thing called “Dragon Time” by Young Living. Trust me, It’s not a dragon! It’s this awesome blend of oils that comes as a shower gel and massage oil. It helps soothe my cramps and helps me feel balanced during my period.

Now, instead of popping pills for cramps, I use a blended roller with two oils in a roller. Peppermint and Digize. This blended roller does the trick without all the medicine cabinet drama. I call this roller blend "Period Buster".

Another friend in my essential oil squad is “Progessence Plus.” Instead of grabbing otc meds or even starting a cycle of birth control pills like a doctor once subscribed to me, I decided to start using this simple roller blend. It's an all natural plant-based oil blend with something called wild yam extract. I use it every day. I just swapped out the usual dropper for a roller, and voila, easy peasy. It helps to brings good vibes, relaxation, harmony, and balance. Exactly what you need when Aunt Flo’s in town.

And don’t even get me started on “Endoflex.” This oil blend is like a superhero for my well-being. This oil is an all-around supporter. Helps keep everything in check – hormones, mood, the whole shebang.

So, after a few months of rolling and massaging with these essential oils, my period game went from 7-10 days to a cool 5-7 days. That’s a big deal for me, considering I used to struggle at work every month. Who knew these little bottles of goodness could make such a difference? They’re like my secret weapons for winning the period battle.

Discovering the benefits of organic pads and essential oils created a shift in how I approach my overall well-being. It goes beyond just finding relief during my period; it's about understanding the power of the choices we make for ourselves.

By embracing these natural solutions, not only did I find comfort during my menstrual cycle, but I also experienced a newfound sense of control. I am unlocking the potential for a healthier and more balanced me. Making these conscious decisions became a cornerstone in my journey toward self-care.

My advice to you is to explore and embrace alternatives that align with your body's well-being. Remember that small changes can lead to significant shifts, and prioritizing your health is an empowering act. My journey from painful periods to natural wellness is an ongoing adventure. As I navigate the changes that come with aging, I will continue to learn and discover what works best for me. I encourage you to do the same, as it brings a sense of well-being, balance, and control to your self-care journey!

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